Acquisitions - New books at the library

Lists of the latest acquisitions by Leiden University Libraries (UBL)

Ancient Near East

Title Author Publisher Publication Date Resource Type Acquisition Date Subjects LC Classification
Royal image and political thinking in the letters of Assurbanipal / Ito, Sanae, 1980- author. The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project 2024. Book - Physical
Between two rivers : ancient Mesopotamia and the birth of history / Al-Rashid, Moudhy N. 1982- author (Moudhy Nasser), Hodder & Stoughton 2025. Book - Physical
From the Motor City to the Mediterranean : travels of a truck, a sedan, and an inquisitive photographer, 1924-1926 / Talalay, Lauren E. 1949- author. (Lauren Elizabeth), ISD; Kelsey Museum of Archaeology [2024] Book - Physical
A Legacy of Learning in Near Eastern Archaeology : Centennial Studies in Memory of Helene J. Kantor / Lacovara, Peter, editor. Archaeopress Publishing Ltd 2025 Book - Electronic
Les papyrus de la mer Rouge / Tallet, Pierre, 1966- author. Institut français d'archéologie orientale 2017- Book - Physical
Ancient Egypt : a photographic history / Fletcher-Jones, Nigel, author. Amber Books Ltd 2024. Book - Electronic
Pharaoh : art and power in ancient Egypt / British Museum Press 2024. Book - Physical
Egyptian Mythology : a traveler's guide from Aswan to Alexandria / Shaw, Garry J., author. Thames & Hudson Inc 2021. Book - Physical
Ancient Egyptian portraiture : history of an idea / Delli Castelli, Alessio, 1979- author. Brill [2025] Book - Physical
An undertakers' archive from the Kynopolite Nome (P. Kynopolites) / Baetens, Gert, author, editor. Peeters 2024. Book - Physical
La crémation antique à Alexandrie : de la fouille des urnes à la restitution des pratiques funéraires / Georges-Zimmermann, Patrice, author. Centre d'Études Alexandrines [2023] Book - Physical
Un avesnois : l'Egyptologue Prisse d'Avennes (1807-1879) : études et documents inédits / Dewachter, Michel, author. Imprimerie "L'Observateur" 1988. Book - Physical
Münzfunde aus Ägypten. Prolegomena zu einer Geschichte des spätrömischen Münzumlaufs in Ägypten und Syrien / Noeske, Hans-Christoph, author. Gebr Mann Verlag 2000. Book - Physical
Quer durch Borneo : Ergebnisse seiner Reisen in den Jahren 1894, 1896-97 und 1898-1900, deel 1 / Nieuwenhuis, Anton Willem, author. Brill 1904. Book - Electronic
Breaking the Crown of Indra : The Pāṇḍyas and Their Dynastic Identity in the South Indian Context. Pierdominici Leão, David. BRILL 2025. Book - Electronic
Chicago on the Nile : a century of work by the Epigraphic Survey of the University of Chicago / Teeter, Emily, author. Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures of the University of Chicago [2024] Book - Physical
East Asia beyond the archives : missing sources & marginal voices / Leiden University Press 2023. Book - Electronic
The Spanish Pacific, 1521-1815 : a reader of primary sources. Amsterdam University Press 2020. Book - Electronic
Taiwan : a contested democracy under threat / Sullivan, Jonathan author. (Jonathan L.), Agenda Publishing 2024. Book - Electronic
The Kurds : the struggle for national identity and statehood / Hendessi, Mandana, author. Agenda Publishing 2024. Book - Electronic
The port : Hà tiên and the mo clan in early modern asia / Hang, Xing, 1982- author. Cambridge University Press 2025. Book - Electronic
Cultural stereotype and its hazards : "Japanese collectivism" as a case / Takano, Yohtaro, 1950- author. Cambridge University Press 2025. Book - Electronic
A clash of color : dialogues on race, caste, and solidarity in the United States and India (1900-1954) / Hingorani, Avinash, author. Cambridge University Press 2024. Book - Electronic
India in the interim : the 1947-1951 Nehru government / Ankit, Rakesh, author. Cambridge University Press 2024. Book - Electronic
The Assyrians : lost civilizations / Collins, Paul author. (Paul Thomas), Reaktion Books Ltd 2024. Book - Electronic
Georg Steindorff im Sudan : Eindrücke seiner Reisen / Steindorff, Georg, 1861-1951, author. Kulturverlag Kadmos Berlin [2024] Book - Physical
Japan at war, 1914-1952 / Yellen, Jeremy A., 1977- author. Routledge 2025. Book - Electronic
Enki and the world order : a Sumerian myth / Cooper, Jerrold S., author. De Gruyter [2025] Book - Physical
Orakelsprüche, Magie und Horoskope : wie Ägypten in die Zukunft sah / Phoibos Verlag 2015. Book - Physical
The big fat book of Egyptian Arabic verbs / Aldrich, Matthew (Writer on Arabic language), author. Lingualism 2017. Book - Physical
Manuel d'arabe égyptien, parler du Caire / Jomier, Jacques, author. Klincksieck 1973. Book - Physical
Vest pocket Arabic / Berberi, Dilaver, author. Distributed to the Book trade by Barnes & Noble Books; Institute for Language Study [1975] Book - Physical
Les papyrus de la mer Rouge : l'inspecteur Merer : un témoin oculaire de la construction de la pyramide de Chéops / Tallet, Pierre, 1966- author. Errance Actes Sud 2021. Book - Physical
The transmission of the Book of the dead in New Kingdom tombs at Saqqara / Twiston Davies, Huw, author. Bloomsbury Academic/Bloomsbury Publishing Plc [2025] Book - Physical
A master of secrets in the chamber of darkness : Egyptological studies in honor of Robert K. Ritner, presented on the occasion of his sixty-eighth birthday / Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures of the University of Chicago [2024] Book - Physical
Chinese Life in Colonial Indonesia. Hoogervorst, Tom, author. Brill [2025] Book - Electronic
The royal inscriptions of Nabopolassar (625-605 BC) and Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC), kings of Babylon / Nabopolassar, King of Babylonia, active 7th century B.C., author. Eisenbrauns [2024] Book - Physical
"Im Osten grauts, der Nebel fällt, ..." : "Amanece por Oriente, cae la niebla, ..." : Karlheinz Kessler : Festschrift / Homenaje / UAM Ediciones 2018. Book - Physical
Worldmaking and cuneiform antiquity : an anthropology of science / Rochberg, Francesca, 1952- author. Cambridge University Press 2024. Book - Physical
Nabuchodonosor : roi de Babylone, entre histoire et légende / Elayi, Josette, author. Perrin 2025. Book - Physical
Nézib et Beyrout : souvenirs d'orient de 1833 à 1841 / Armagnac, Alfred, baron d', author. Dar Lahad Khater 1985. Book - Physical
The Coptic codices of the Museo egizio, Turin : historical, literary and codicological features / Franco Cosimo Panini; Museo egizio maggio 2023. Book - Physical
The Verbal Systems of Aramaic / Bruweleit, Stefan, author. Koninklijke Brill BV [2025] Book - Electronic
The Routledge Handbook of Early Modern Korea / Routledge [2025] Book - Electronic
Howard Carter : from tracer to Tutankhamun : spotlight on EES.ART.224 / Graves, Carl (Egyptologist), author. Egypt Exploration Society [2024] Book - Physical
Das Mammisi von Edfu : Inschriften, Dekorationsprogramm, Architektur und Theologie eines ägyptischen Geburtstempels der Ptolemäerzeit / Bartels, Uwe, author. Harrassowitz Verlag 2022- Book - Physical
Market and Monastery : Capitalism in Manangi Trade Diaspora / Ratanapruck, Prista, author. Berghahn Books [2025] Book - Electronic
Kurdish Studies Archive. Üngör, Ugur Ümit, author. Brill [2021] Book - Electronic
Kurdish Studies Archive. Special Issue / Omarkhali, Khanna, author. Brill [2016] Book - Electronic
The early Bronze Age seal-impressed vessels from Ḥirbet ez-Zeraqōn : pot-sealing practices in the Levant and northeastern Syria in the fourth and third millennia BCE / Tumolo, Valentina, author. Archaeopress Archaeology 2024. Book - Physical
Migration and mobility in the ancient Near East and Egypt : the Crossroads IV : proceedings of an international conference held in Prague, September 19-22, 2022 / Lockwood Press 2024. Book - Physical
Cyprus and Ugarit : connecting material and mercantile worlds / Knapp, Arthur Bernard, author. Sidestone Press [2024] Book - Physical
The archaeology of the 'margins' : studies on Ancient West Asia in honour of Peter M.M.G. Akkermans / Sidestone Press [2024] Book - Physical
From celestial omens to the beginnings of modern astrology in ancient Mesopotamia : new evidence for the development of modern astrology in cuneiform texts based on the study of three technical terms (DUR = ṭurru, GU and DUR) for the description of celestial phenomena and stellar positions / Fincke, Jeanette, author. ISLET 2024. Book - Physical
Between household and state : the Mughal frontier and the politics of circulation in peninsular India / Dayal, Subah, author. University of California Press [2024] Book - Electronic
Remembering the Nubia Campaign : recollections and evaluations of the "International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia" after fifty years / Brill [2025] Book - Electronic
Basim le forgeron et Harun er-Rachid : 1. Texte, traduction et proverbes / forgeron, Basim le, author. Brill 1888. Book - Electronic
De Civielrechtelijke 'eggun' (garantieovereenkomst) in de Griekse papyri uit het Ptolemeïsche tijdvak / Soest, author. Brill 1963. Book - Electronic
Ancient Egyptian Portraiture : History of an Idea / Delli Castelli, Alessio, 1979- author. Brill [2025] Book - Electronic
Eastward Bound : Dutch Ventures and Adventures in the Middle East / Brill 1994. Book - Electronic
The Cultural Memory of the Lebanese Civil War-Revisited / Brill [2025] Book - Electronic
Christian inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia : a critical bulletin (2013-2022) / Delattre, Alain, author. Diffusion Peeters; Association égyptologique Reine Élisabeth 2024. Book - Physical
Marine craft in ancient mosaics of the Levant / Grossmann, Eva (Archaeologist), author. Archaeopress 2011. Book - Physical
Ethnobotany of Northern Africa and Levant / Imprint Springer; Springer Nature Switzerland 2024. Book - Electronic
Political ecology of everyday resistance and state building : a case of the Ho of Jharkhand / Kumar, Dhiraj (Professor of sociology), author. Routledge 2024. Book - Electronic
Yoshida Shoin, forerunner of the Meiji Restoration / Straelen, author. Brill 1952. Book - Electronic
Land en volk van Sumatra / Lekkerkerker, author. Brill 1916. Book - Electronic
Roman conquests : Mesopotamia and Arabia / Fratantuono, Lee, 1973- author. Pen & Sword Military 2020. Book - Electronic
Landscapes of resistance : narratives around sacred places in Sinjar (Iraq) and the Islamic State's genocide against Yezidis / Rassbach, Benjamin, author. Brill [2024] Book - Electronic
Diachronic Diversity in Classical Biblical Hebrew. Hornkohl, Aaron D. Open Book Publishers 2024. Book - Electronic
Handbook of Japan's foreign and domestic policies during the decade of Abe / Japan Documents 2024. Book - Physical
Assyrisch-babylonische Chrestomathie für Anfänger / Meissner, Bruno, author. Brill 1895. Book - Electronic
Society and the individual in ancient Mesopotamia / Walter de Gruyter [2024] Book - Physical
Géographies du Sahara : cahiers d'études pluridisciplinaires / L'Harmattan [2024] Book - Physical
Hattusili, the Hittite prince who stole an empire : partner and rival of Ramesses the Great / Bryce, Trevor, 1940- author. Bloomsbury Academic 2025. Book - Electronic
Disputatio de Sardanapalo / Koopmans, Wopko Cnoop, 1800-1849. author. Apud Vid G Warnars et Fil 1819. Book - Physical
Le yiddish, l’inconscient, les langues / Brill 2025. Book - Electronic
Kurdish Studies Archive. Brill [2015] Book - Electronic
Kurdish Studies Archive. Brill [2015] Book - Electronic
Wounded Tigris : a river journey through the cradle of civilization / McCarron, Leon, author. Pegasus Books 2023. Book - Physical
Scrittura cuneiforme : origini e sviluppo - significato storico - apprendimento : una introduzione / Vuk, Tomislav, author. Terra Santa Edizioni [2023] Book - Physical
Political warfare in republican Vietnam : nexus of army and state, 1955-1975 / Silano, Robert A., 1942-2022, author. McFarland & Company Inc Publishers [2024] Book - Physical
The politics of coercion : state and regime making in Cambodia / Loughlin, Neil, 1986- author. Southeast Asia Program Publications an imprint of Cornell University Press 2024. Book - Physical
Traditional Malay monarchy / Asbol bin Haji Mail, Haji Awang, 1955- author. Routledge; New York 2025. Book - Physical
Frauen im alten Ägypten : Selbständigkeit und Gleichberechtigung im haüslichen und öffentlichen Leben / Schulze, Peter H., author. Gustav Lübbe Verlag 1987. Book - Physical
Frauen im alten Ägypten : Selbständigkeit und Gleichberechtigung im haüslichen und öffentlichen Leben / Schulze, Peter H., author. Gustav Lübbe Verlag 1987. Book - Physical
Preservation and restoration techniques for ancient Egyptian textiles / Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global) [2023] Book - Physical
The annals of Ashurbanapal : (V Rawlinson Pl.I-X) / Ashurbanapal, author. Brill 1903. Book - Electronic
Political ecospatiality : livelihood, environment, and subaltern struggles in kerala / Ravi Raman, K., author. Cambridge University Press 2024. Book - Electronic
Faces of ancient Egypt : portraits from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston / Berman, Lawrence Michael, 1952- author. ARTBOOK DAP; MFA Publications Museum of Fine Arts Boston [2022] Book - Physical
Levantines of the Ottoman world : communities, identities, and cultures / Ibn Haldun University Press 2023. Book - Physical
Finance et diplomatie dans le Levant : un recueil d'articles sur l'historie financière et diplomatique ottomane / Jamgocyan, Onnik, 1955- author. Kitabevi 2024. Book - Physical
Archaeology from Every Angle : Papers in Honor of Richard L. Zettler. Blanchard, Katherine. University Museum Publications 2024. Book - Electronic
Chaos en beheersing : Documenten uit aeneolitisch Egypte / Asselberghs, Henri, author. Brill 1961. Book - Electronic
Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament : Band 2 (טבח-נבט) / Koehler, L., author. Brill 1974. Book - Electronic
L'égyptologue et l'architecte : entretiens avec Helen et Jean Jacquet / Collombert, Philippe, 1969- author. PeWe Verlag 2024. Book - Physical
Politiques législatives : actes du Colloque franco-égyptien "Problématiques du champ juridique : Egypte, Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc", Le Caire, 3-5 février 1990 / Colloque franco-égyptien "Problématiques du champ juridique : Egypte, Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc" Cairo, Egypt) (1990 : Centre d'études et de documentation économique juridique et sociale Unité associée au CNRS 1994. Book - Physical
Hyäne oder Hyänenhund : Untersuchungen anhand der Zooarchäologie sowie der Darstellungen und Textzeugen aus dem alten Ägypten / Steder, Daniela, author. Verlag Marie Leidorf 2013. Book - Physical
Pferd, Nilpferd und Thoeris - Motive auf Siegelamuletten im alten Ägypten / Stoof, Magdalena, 1951- author. Verlag Dr Kovač 2017. Book - Physical
Égyptien hiéroglyphique : grammaire pratique du moyen égyptien, avec exercices d'application et corrigés / Obsomer, Claude, author. Éditions Safran [2023] Book - Physical